
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

5 Responses to “About”

  1. gs Says:

    I read the pages about your cats. You sure feed them a lot :lol:. Hope you are enjoying Vermont. I’ve been considering moving there myself.

  2. Stirling4Watts Says:

    Hello Jon!

    I just stumbled onto your website via a search for stirling engines. Wow! Thank you for posting your experience with making them! I love the pics of the “failed” engines. I say “failed” because I bet you learned a ton from the process.

    I’m somewhat of a student of stirling engines myself and I’m particularly fascinated with their aesthetic appeal and conceptual simplicity.

    Anyway, would you ever share some of your insights via email?

    Thank you!


  3. jjlord Says:

    Hello Jon,

    I too stumbled upon your site researching Stirling engines. Don’t have much time at present, looking forward to delving deeper soon. Hope Rodney gets better.

    Thank you for the sites!

  4. hong Says:

    Hello Jon!

    I wonder about the Bonded Fixed Bridge.

    I live in South Korea.
    Will you have to buy it?

    My guitar is STEINBERGER GL-2Tgr
    Bridge is T-Trem (Type 1)
    Does it compatible?

    Thank you

    • jonbondy Says:

      Hong: I used to manufacture a fixed bridge for Steinberger guitars, but gave that up years ago because a South Korean company started manufacturing them for a lot less money. You should be able to find their bridges on eBay for about $150. Good luck!

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